Student Insights and Thought Reflections

Sarah Cavar ‘20

Thought reflection entry about gender,

dated June 10, 2018.

“Transness--like all gender expressions--only becomes relevant and recognizable through our relationships with other people. I have watched so many enter Mount Holyoke, only to realize that their respective genders require more critical interrogation than they had previously given them.”

The thrust of Cavar’s passion points to their visibility as an ungendered person on campus. In this entry, they delve deep into what being trans at the College has taught them. They follow chronologically from their first tour on campus through the date this was written.

“For all its failures--in regard to gender and in regard to other issues--Mount Holyoke’s community has allowed me to emerge into the social world as a theythem; an ungendered person; and to both appreciate and demand this from my relationships with others.”

By Leo Rachman

Trans Lives at Mount Holyoke College Today
Student Insights and Thought Reflections